10 Product Swaps That Help Us Reduce, Reuse, and Waste Less in the Kitchen


    There’s never a wrong time to consider the products we use in the kitchen, but some times feel especially right: in the spring, for example, when our urge to clean and declutter dovetails with Earth Day (April 22), reminding us to be mindful about how we take care of our home; or now, in the midst of a pandemic (!), when curbed shopping habits and scarcer resources lend fresh urgency to that age-old adage to “reduce, reuse, and recycle.”

    For all those reasons it feels like a good time to talk about products that help us waste less in the kitchen!

    Whether you’re trying to use less plastic, save money, or just can’t find paper towels and napkins at the store anymore, here a few product swaps we recommend if you want to rely less on disposables.

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