OnePlus Will Let You Test Their New Phone Before It’s Out


OnePlus Concept One

OnePlus announced today that their “new flagship is on the way” through a forum post that will let a lucky group of people test the device before it has been shown off to the public. As a part of OnePlus’ The Lab, they’ll select 10 people to provide a “solid and unbiased review” of what we assume will be the OnePlus 8.

To get signed-up, you have to fill out a form/application where OnePlus will ask you a series of questions about your tech past, like what phone you use, how you might recommend it to someone else, and if you’ve reviewed devices in the past, made videos of them, etc. It’s an application after all, so you’ll have to sell yourself a bit.

Once done, the “community” reviews the applications before OnePlus announces 10 reviewers of the new phone on April 2. Those reviewers will then get the phone “before” the launch event, so that reviews can be prepared and ready to go “live after launch event.”

OnePlus says that everyone can apply, just know that at least 6 of the 10 reviewers will be long-time OnePlus community members.

Interested? You can sign-up right here.

// OnePlus

OnePlus Will Let You Test Their New Phone Before It’s Out is a post from: Droid Life

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